Daniel , chapter 11
• So I, from the first year, Darius the Midian became him and the reinforcements.
So, I. This verse is a continuation of the statement of the Angel of 21 verse 10 chapter. Unfortunately, the division of the chapter in this place is completely illogical, and it creates a false idea that this chapter begins a new topic, while it is only a continuation of the previous one. The Angel tells Daniel what took place in the first year of Darius. In that year Darius of the median was awarded the sky visiting Angel Gabriel, who reinforceded and approved it.
• Now declare you the truth: Behold, three more kings will rise in Persia; Then the fourth will surpass all great riches, and when will be strengthened by the riches, then would raise all against the kingdom of Greek.
Truth. The content of the fourth great Revelation in the book of Daniel begins with this verse. Everything contained in chapter 10 of Verse 1 of Chapter 1 verse is the background and the entry.
Three Persian kings. Because this vision was given to Daniel in the first year of Cyrus, this reference to the three Persian kings refers to the successors of Cyrus: Kambiz-530-522, Lzhesmerdis-522 g. Darius Gistaps-522-486, 2006
Fourth. All commentators agree in principle that the context points to Xerxes as the fourth king. However, there is a disagreement about the enumeration of the previous kings mentioned in this verse. Some consider the first King Cyrus, omitting Lzhesmerdis, because he was not the rightful heir to the throne, and rules for a short time. Others Miss Cyrus, and include in the number of three Lzhesmerdis. In any case, everyone agrees that Xerxes is the fourth.
Great wealth. This Xerxes is probably the one who is named Artakserksom in the Book of Esther. (See Esther 1.1) It is noticed that he was really proud "showing the great wealth of his kingdom and the great brilliance of His Majesty" (see ESF. 1:4, 6, 7.) The historian Herodotus also gives a detailed report of his military power.
Will lift everyone. Xerxes really Opolchil all the nations of the world against Greece. This is a well-known fact in history. During Xerxes Greece remained the only independent country in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, not coming ander under the Royal Scepter of Persia. Herodotus writes that Xerxes managed to unite over forty nationalities in his army against Greece, which included the military forces of India, Ethiopia, Arabia and Armenia. by 480, 2010 Against Greece reemerged huge Persian Empire. At times, Greece suffered defeat, but the Battle of Salamis decided everything-the Persian kingdom became clearly slope to decline. Greece becomes a world power
Greece. According to the Jewish "Javan" (Gen 10.2). The Greeks were descendants of Iavana. (See Dan 2.39)
• And the king of the Mighty will rise, who shall reign with great authority, and shall act upon his will.
The King is mighty. According to the Jewish "warlike king". This is an explicit reference to Alexander the Great (336-323 B.C.).
Dominion with great authority. The Dominion of Alexander the Great extended from Macedonia and Greece to north-west India, from Egypt to the Caspian Sea. It was one of the greatest empires in the world. (See Dan 2.39, 7.6)
• But when he rise up, his kingdom will be destroyed and divided into four winds of heaven, and not to his descendants shall pass, nor with the Glory power, with the eaten he dominion; For the braking on kingdom of him will be made unto others, except these.
But when he gets up. Alexander barely reached the top of his fame as he suddenly died. In 323, this king, who owned the world, from the Adriatic to India, suddenly fell ill and died eleven days later.
Collapse. Alexander did not leave any of his immediate descendants, who could in the future hold in hands and unite all huge empire, conquerors Alexander. After Alexander's death the authorities passed not to his descendants, but to strangers for him. Indeed, Alexander the Macedonian left behind imbecile brother Arrideus and two young children. None of them was able to manage a huge empire, and it was divided by Alexander's commanders into four kingdoms, and naturally each part was weaker than the United Kingdom.
Four Winds. i.e. four equal geographical parts. This division is also symbolically depicted by four heads of the leopard (7.6), four goat horns (8.8,22.)
And not to his descendants. Alexander's son, born after his death, was warrant king, but he was killed by a child, in the midst of the struggle for power. Thus, the throne was left without the only legitimate heir.
• And the Southern King will skyrocket, and one of his princes will overpower him and reign, and his dominion shall be great.
The southern king. Beginning with this verse and further, the prophecy will mainly concentrate on the two kingdoms formed after the division of the Empire of Alexander and to which the people of God, the Jews, will have the most direct attitude. This is Syria, governed by Selevkidas and Egypt, governed by Ptolemeidas. From a geographical point of view, Syria, located in the north and Egypt in the south, and Palestine between them, was also involved in the strife that is constantly emerging between the north and the south.
And one of his princes. This appears to be the case with Seleucus Nikatoru, (305-281 BC), one of the generals of Alexander, who made himself a ruler over the larger, Asian part of the empire. In 316, Seleucus was forced to leave Babylon, and to conclude an alliance with Ptolomeus, to whom he helped in the smashing of the son of Antigonus, in the Gaza Strip. This happened in the year 312. Shortly thereafter, Seleucus regained his former possessions in Mesopotamia.
He'll overpower him. Seleucus, who was considered one time by Prince Ptolemy, later became more powerful than the Egyptian king. When Seleucus died in the year 281, his kingdom extended from Gellesponta to northern India. Arrian, one of the outstanding ancient historians of the time, wrote that Seleucus was one of the greatest kings after Alexander.
• But in a few years they converge, and the daughter of the southern King will come to the king of the north to establish the right relations between them; But she will not hold strength in her hands, nor stand her, but shall be betrayed both by her and by her companion, and born of her, and helped her in those days.
But in a few years. This prophetic point of time refers to the time of the crisis, about 35 years after the death of Seleucus.
Converge. Wanting to put an end to the strife, Ptolemee Philadelphos, the Egyptian tsar, gave up for Antiochus II, grandson of Seleucus I, his daughter Vereniku. To this end, Antiochus removed from his court his former wife and sister Laodiku, thus depriving her children of the throne.
King of the North. This term is used for the first time in this prophecy. This expression refers to Selevkidam, whose territory stretched north of Palestine. At that time the king of the North was Seleucus II Kalinnik (246-226) son of Antiochus II and Laodiki. (see Is 41.25)
Will not withhold strength in his hands. When a son was born in the aforementioned marriage, Antiochus reconciled with his former wife Laodikoj.
Can't resist. Antiochus died suddenly. According to the generally accepted Tochi view, he was poisoned by his first wife, Laodica.
Her kin. The young son of Antiochus, born from Vereniki, was murdered by Laodica.
will be devoted. Bernice was murdered by Laodiki people.
Accompanying her. Together with Verenika killed many people from her entourage, who came with her from Egypt.
Born of it. It's about the son of Verenika, killed by Laodica.
Helped her. Probably talking about her husband Verenika, helping her.
• But the branch will rise from its root, come to the army and enter into the fortifications of the King of Northern, and will act in them, and intensify.
Industry from the root of it. Ptolemeus III Everget, son of Ptolemy II and brother of Verenika, ascended the throne in 246. After the death of his father, and went to war on Syria to avenge the death of his sister.
Will enter the fortifications. The hike Evergeta was triumphant. He took possession of the Syrian-owned areas of Kilikia, Pamfilia, Ionia, Palestine, and so forth.
• Even their gods, idols them with their precious vessels, silver and gold, fright in captivity to Egypt and for several years will stand above the king of the North.
Gods them. Returning home, Ptolemeus seized from the conquered areas countless treasures, between which were and idols, brought from Egypt to Persia Kambiz. For the return of some, Ptolemeus and got the nickname Evergeta.
Egypt. This is the only reference in this place to the true location of the "Kingdom of the South", undoubtedly allowing it to be identified.
And for a few years will stand taller. Ptolemeus III died in 222, two years after Seleucus III.
• Although this will make an invasion of the Kingdom of the Southern King, but return to his land.
King of the South. A more accurate translation "He will enter the kingdom of the southern King." After Ptolemeus III returned to Egypt, Seleucus restored authority and power and went to war against that country, hoping to return the lost wealth and prestige...
But he returned to his land. Seleucus was smashed and returned to Syria empty-handed, (circa 240 BC).
• Then vooruzhatsja his sons and gather a large army, and one of them quickly go, inundate and pass, and then, returning, will fight with him before the fortifications of him.
His sons. i.e. two sons Seleucus II, Seleucus III Keraun (226-223 BC), who had been killed a very short time after his ascension to the throne, and Antiochus III (223-187 BC).
Inundate and will pass. In 219 BC Antiochus III went on a hike to southern Syria and Palestine and took possession of Selevkies - Port of Antioch. After that he made repeated attempts to take Palestine away from his competitor Ptolemy Filopatora (222-204-2005).
• And Razdrazhitsja the Southern King, and will perform, fight with him, with the king of the North, and expose a great army, and the surrender of the army into his hands.
And will get annoyed the southern king. In 217, Ptolemeus VI Filopator against Antiochus and gave him a crushing defeat at Raffia, near Gaza.
Big Army. Polibius, a famous historian of the time wrote that the Antiochus Army consisted of 62000 infantry, 6000 cavalry and 102 elephants. The Ptolemy army was also very strong (cf. with reference to the expression "many thousands", verse 12.)
And the devoted will be an army of him into his hands. The Battle of Raffia (217) between Antiochus III and Ptolomeus VI ended with a terrible defeat Antiochus, who reportedly lost 10000 infantry 300 cavalry, and another 4000 was taken prisoner.
• And the revives army, and the king's heart shall be reborn; It shall many thousands, but it will not be stronger.
He. T. E. Ptolemeus VI.
will not be stronger. The lazy and depraved Ptolemeus not be able to take advantage of Victory victory in Raffia. At this time for the period from 212 to 204 year, Antiochus III threw all his forces on the return of the eastern regions, with success moved to the borders of India. Around the year 205, Ptolemeus VI and his wife died under rather mysterious circumstances, and their son Ptolemeus V Epifan (204-180), who was only 4 or 5 years old, ascended to the throne.
• For the king of the North will return and make the army more old, and in a few years quickly come with a huge army and great wealth.
and return. The ascension of Ptolemy V to the throne of his children's age, all this was not the best for Antiochus III, construct the desire to avenge the Egyptians. And in the year 201 he went back to Palestine.
And in a few years. Probably, it is about sixteen years, from 217 to 201 passed from battle at Raffia (see 11 verse) before the second hike Antiochus to the south.
• In those days, many will rise up against the southern King, and the rebellious of the sons of thy people shall rise to be fulfilled by the vision, and fall.
In those days. Beginning with this verse, the interpretation of the rest of the chapter changes dramatically. However, the group of commentators believes that in 14-15 verses continues the description of the history of Syria and the Kings of the house Ptolemaic. Others are of the opinion that from the 14th verse in the arena of history comes the next great power-Rome, and that the 14th and 15th verses reveal to us this question and the times of the Christian Church.
As in these verses, and in many subsequent, many commentators see in them Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who reigned from 175 to 164 Gg. BC, as well as the period of the national crisis, caused among the Jews, the policies pursued by him. Of course, one of the most vivid events in the Jewish history of the between-testaments period is the fact of attempt Antiochus to renounce their national religion and culture, and instead to introduce religion and culture of the Greeks.
Threatening attempts of Antiochus Epiphanes the Jews in the same crisis, as well as during Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Amana and Titus. In the twelve years of his short reign, Antiochus Epifan inflicted the strongest blows on the religion and culture of the Jews. He robbed the sanctuary in Jerusalem and left the city and its walls in ruins, killed thousands of Jews and many of them turned into slaves. The Tsar's decree demanded that the Jews should leave all rites of their religion and live as pagans. They were forced to erect pagan altars in every Jewish city, to sacrifice pork meat, to tear and burn separate books of the Holy Scripture. Antiochus also placed a pagan idol in the temple in Jerusalem and sacrificed pork meat.
It is difficult without reliable data to say how all this affected the religion and culture of the Jews, but, in the end, they rebelled and expelled the army of Antiochus from Judea. They also courageously defended against the army of Antiochus, sent for their destruction. Expelling the enemy from his land, the Jews restored the temple, built a new altar and again began to bring sacrifices. (1Macc 4.36-54.) Having signed an alliance with Rome, in a few years (in 161) Jews for about a hundred years enjoyed relative independence, being under the protection of Rome, until in 63 B.C. the Jews were not turned into a Roman province.
Rebellious of the sons of your people. (Another possible translation: "The children of the strong among your people") if you refer this statement to the Jews, it is directly related to those who have bravely rebelled against the oppression and defended the independence of their people and their national interests. On the other hand it can refer also to Romans which in 63 BC have deprived Jews of their independence and in 70g N. E. Destroyed a temple and city Jerusalem.
• And the king of the North will come, arrange the tree and mastered the fortified city, and not succumb the muscles of the South, nor the choice army of it; The strength to resist.
King of the North. Following the introductory verse 14, in verse 15 the thought started in verse 13, concerning the hike of Antiochus to Palestine, continues to develop.
Fortified city. This is probably a reference to gas, which was taken Antiochus III in 201 BC after a long siege. Some commentators see in these words a reference to Sidon, where Antiochus closed the Egyptian army and after the siege forced them to surrender.
Muscles. Symbol of force (see 22, 31 verse)
• And whoever comes out to him shall act upon his will, and no one shall stand before him; And on the glorious Earth shall put his own, and she shall suffer by his hand.
Glorious land. i.e. Palestine. (see 8.9) According to the point of view stated in the commentary to verse 14, about the Romans, here is the question of the conquest of Palestine Pompey, who in 63 BC intervened in the dispute between the two brothers Hirkanom and Aristobulom for the right to ascend the throne in Judea. Defenders for three months defended the temple, and according to Joseph Flavius, Pompey raised the Holy Veil and examined the inside of the Holy saints, which then was already empty, because the Ark of the Covenant was conveyed from there.
• And GMI enter with all the powers of his kingdom, and the righteous with him, and commit it; And the daughter of the wives will give it to him, to perish it, but this idea will not take place, and he shall not benefit from it.
Intent. Most likely means that when Ptolemeus XI died in the year 51 BC, he gave his children Cleopatra and Ptolemy XII under the patronage of Rome.
Daughter of Wives. Unusual phrase on the device, perhaps emphasizing her femininity and beauty. The speech undoubtedly goes about Cleopatra, daughter of Ptolemy XI. She was under the patronage of Rome and after a while became the wife of Julius Caesar, who conquered Egypt. After Julius Caesar was treacherously murdered, Cleopatra turned her eyes to Marc Anthony, consul Julius Caesar, rival Octavian, among the heirs of Caesar. (Octavian, Caesar's nephew was appointed chief heir.) Octavian broke the combined forces of Cleopatra and Antonia at Aktiume in 31 BC. A year later Antiochus a suicide, as they said, according to Cleopatra's plan, and it opened the way for a new winner. After that, Cleopatra, seeing that she would not be able to achieve the location of Octavian, also ended her suicide.
With the death of Cleopatra ends the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt and from 30 B.C. Egypt becomes a province of Rome. The last part of this text is the best way to sum up the lamentable result of all the cunning plans of Cleopatra, as they were directed not for Caesar's success but for her own selfish interests.
• Then turn his face to the islands and mastered many; But a certain leader will stop the disgrace inflicted on them, and even pay his shame.
Island. The war in other parts of the Empire distracted Caesar from Egypt. Pompey's military units were smashed off the coast of Africa. In Syria and Asia Minor trekking Caesar against Fernesa, Cimmerian King was successful.
Chief. In this case, as an authoritative person, such as in Isaiah 1:10 but more with a hint of a warlord, such as in I. Nav. 10:24. The second half of this text from the Jewish remains unclear.
• Then he will turn his face on the fortress of his land; But stumble will fall and not become him.
Will stumble. In the year 44 BC Julius Caesar was treacherously murdered in Rome.
• A certain one who will send the collector of the day, pass through the Kingdom of Glory, shall rise to his place; But also he will perish after few days, and not from indignation and not in battle.
Some who send the collectors of the date. Most commentators see this as a census of the Empire population. (see Onion 2:1.) After the death of Julius Caesar, August came to the throne, which is considered the founder of the Roman Empire, and after 40 years of reign he peacefully passed away in his bed in the 14th A.D.
• And he shall rise in the place of his contemptible, and will not give him royal honors, but he will come without noise and flattery mastered the kingdom.
Despicable. i.e. the person is unesteemed, rejected. After the death of August on the throne Tiberius (14-37) Some historians testify that such people as Seneca, Tacitus, in every way ink character and name Tiberius. There is a lot of evidence, about the strange, incomprehensible character of this person.
They won't. This is probably a hint of the unborn, Unroyal origin of this man. He was the adopted son of August and was appointed heir to the throne already in adulthood.
No noise. After the death of August, Tiberius in a peaceful environment ascended the throne. Since he was not the native son of August, his ascension to the throne occurred only because of the mind and cunning of his mother Libya.
• And the all-sinking hordes will be sunk and demolished them, even the chief of the Covenant.
All-sinking hordes. This expression paints a picture of military battles. (see 9:26). Tiberius with great success has conducted a number of battles in Germany and in the east – in Armenia and on the borders of the Parthian kingdom.
Chief hosts. This is the same leader who will approve the Covenant in 9.25-27 (see also 8:11). This is the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This becomes quite obvious from Chapter 9. During the reign of Tiberius 14-37. On the order of his viceroy in Judea Pontius Pilate Jesus was crucified in 31 year.
• For after he has entered into an alliance with him, he will act with deception, and rise, and shall prevail with the small people.
After he joins the union. Some commentators believe that in this place Daniel returned to 161 BC when the Jews and the Romans concluded a union between them. Others adhere to the chronological sequence of the presentation of the prophetic events in Chapter 11, seeing in this reference to the policy of Rome, which today can be called the Pact of Mutual assistance, and in this case as a union of mutual assistance and friendship with the Jews. Such alliances pursued the interests of both sides. Rome, acting as a friend and patron, does so only for the purpose of carrying out his "cunning, insidious work", always turning the steering wheel of such alliances towards their personal benefits and advantages. Rome often laid the burden of war on its allies, but the usual reward for these victories was holding on to itself. After all, all these allies were absorbed by the Roman Empire.
• He will enter the peaceful and fruit countries, and do what his fathers and fathers did not do; Looting, looted property and wealth will waste their own and on the fortress will have their plans, but only before the time.
But only before the time. This expression shows that this insidious power will be put to an end. The term "up to time" does not speak about a certain cancelled period of time, and not about the prophetic time. The word, translated as "Time" in the original, speaks about uncertainty of time concerning the moment of its saying. The Power of Evil will act until it reaches God's mark (see 11:27 Wed. 12:1).
Those who allow the interpretation of this place as a prophecy of the time interval (360 years) see this time when Rome continued to be the capital of the empire, bearing this event to 31g. BC When August broke the military forces of Cleopatra and Antonia at Aktiume. From 31 years to 330 when the capital of the empire was moved to Constantinople.
Others see in this expression the purpose of the Rome policy towards the winners. History testifies to the generous reward of "captured prey" among the conquerors. "Before the time" - some significant time when the Roman legions continued to be famous for their impenetrable.
• Then he will awaken his strength and his spirit with a large army against the king of the South, and the Southern King shall perform at war with a great and even stronger army, but he cannot stand, for he shall be cunning against him.
Will awaken its forces. This expression refers to the Battle of Aktiume, between August and Antonia, when the latter was defeated.
• Even the participants of his meal ruin him, and his army will spill, and many killed.
Participants of the meal. Probably it is the Tsar's favourites. From the first days of the beginning of the "House of Caesar" The Ascension and fall of emperors was always accompanied by court intrigues. Especially in recent years, when the new emperor punched his way to the throne at the cost of his predecessor's head. In the ancient east, the one who ate the bread of another man was considered an ego faithful friend.
Spilled. According to the contents of 24 verses, this text speaks of the fate of Antonia. When Cleopatra, frightened by the result of the Battle of Aktiume, fled, withdrawing 60 ships of the military fleet, Antony followed her, and provided, thus, for Octavian a full opportunity to win. Many of their adherents Anthony moved to the side of Octavian. Later Antony ended his life as a suicide.
If to approach from a chronological point of view, here the unstable political position severing the empire during the reign of Nero and Diocletian is expressed.
• Both kings will have an insidious heart, and lie at one table, but there will be no success, because the end is still postponed to time.
will be insidious. Some see this intrigue between Octavian (or August) and Antonia. Others – political struggle during the last years of Diocletian's Life (284-305) and Constantine the Great (306-337), casualty the Reunification of the Empire (323 or 324 G.)
Before time. All insidious actions of evil people continue as long as God allows them to do so. The Book of the prophet Daniel expresses the true philosophy of history. God acts the same way – in the heavenly hosts and on the Earth and there is no one who can resist his hand.
• And he shall go into his land with great wealth and hostile intent against the Holy Covenant, and he will fulfill him, and return to his land.
And he will go. Some commentators see in this expression the prophetic reference to the siege and destruction of Jerusalem by Tito in the year 70. Others adhere to the chronological sequence in the prophetic statement (see verse 23) See in this further description of the activity of Constantine the Great.
Against the Holy Covenant. Christ is named the wait for the Covenant, and he had to approve the Covenant for many in one “week” (see 9:27.) This covenant is a plan of salvation laid down in eternity and confirmed by the historical fact of the death of Christ. This text refers to the force opposing the plan. What power is that? Some see it as Romans, deprived the Jews of their rights, and also the siege and destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70. Others imply under this force Constantine. Although Constantine accepted Christianity, but in essence he was an opponent of the Holy Testament. He pursued the goal of making Christianity a means to unite the Empire and consolidate its control over it. He opened great advantages to the church and in return hoped to enlist the support of the church in his political affairs.
• At the appointed time he will again go south; But the last hike is not like the old one,
It's not like that. Despite all efforts of Constantine to revive former glory and power of the Roman Empire, his works have crowned only partial success.
Like the old. Some see this as a reference to the transfer of the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople, which was the signal of the fall of the Empire.
• For at one time the ships of Kittim will come with him; And he will fall in the spirit, and return, and anger on the Holy Covenant, and fulfill his intention, and again enter into an agreement with the apostates of the Holy Covenant.
Kittimian. This name is found several times in the Old Testament. (See Gen 10.4, 1 Par 1.7) Kittim named the son of Iavan, grandson of Japheth. Geographically, the descendants of Kittim occupied the island of Cyprus. Ieremiah talks about the islands of Kittim (Jer. 2:1) referring to the Mediterranean coast. But over time, this geographical definition was lost in Jewish literature and the term "kitty" remained only to express the enemies of Judea. This is evidenced by the found scrolls of the Dead Sea.
It is interesting to note that on the translation of the Seventy (Septuagint) this text (11.30), translated in the second century before Christ, is read instead of "Kitty"-"Romans". Consequently, although this expression referred to Cyprus and its inhabitants, and also to the Mediterranean coast to the west of Palestine, it was later called all foreign oppressors coming from both the South (Egypt), the north (Syria) and the West (Macedonia or Rome). As it were, but when interpreting this expression, the dominant is the following: In the days of Daniel under this expression still implied land and people from the West, and the second: This expression was understood by all foreign invaders and oppressors.
Some see in the "Ships of Kittim" a reference to the barbarian hordes, cursory themselves and destroyed the Roman Empire.
• And the part of the army which desecrates the sanctuary of power will be delivered to them, and shall stop the daily sacrifice, and will put the abomination of desolation.
Desecrate. Although in its translation this expression means "to do something unclean", but from the Hebrew this expression more subtly emphasizes the idea-to make the sacred ordinary. For example, Exodus. 20.25. This same expression is used to show the desecration of the altar of stones by the use of Tjosla. Then to the Exodus 31.14. As the desecration of Saturday. By the same expression underlined and the works of those who dishonour the name of God by the sacrifice of the pagan God. (Lev 20.3).
Sanctuary of power. "Holy Place, Sanctuary." Some commentators understand under this expression the city of Rome, the capital of the power of the ancient world and the "Sanctuary of Power". Others understand that this is the heavenly sanctuary. The Earth Sanctuary in Jerusalem was surrounded by fortresses or towers. The heavenly sanctuary, where Christ, in the name of his redeeming blood pleads for a sinner, is the place of refuge. Therefore, according to the content of this text, here we are talking about the great power in the Christian history, which will replace the true sacrifice of Christ and his ministry as a high priest in the celestial sanctuary of false sacrifice and false service.
Daily. See. 8:11.
And will put the abomination of desolation. Here is a picture of the work of papacy. For the first time in the book of the prophet Daniel used the expression of this kind, although similar words and met in 9.17. The words of Christ, concerning the "abomination of Desolation" (Matt. 24.15) are more relevant to Dan 9.27, than to Dan 11.31.
Speaking of the pending Jerusalem participation in the year 70, Jesus compared the Roman troops with the abomination of desolation "Saying through the prophet Daniel" (Matt 24.15. compare Luke 21.20.) In view of the fact that Dan. 9:27 is part of the explanation of the angel on Dan 8.11-13, it is quite natural that Dan 8.11. This is a mixed prophecy (like Matt. 24) which refers to the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem by Roman troops and to the work of papacy in the Christian centuries. It should be noted that the reference of Jesus to the work of "abomination of desolation", as to future events, excludes the attitude of this prophecy to Antioco Epifan. See. Dan 8.25.
• Coming wickedly against the Covenant he would attract flattery; But the people who exploits their God intensify and will act.
Testament. See. 28 verse.
He. Papacy.
Flattery. According to the Hebrew "sweet, slippery speeches". (see 8.25) This has always been the method of Satan – to represent your path is much easier than God's way. Throughout the Christian history, the people of God firmly held the path described by Christ in his words: "A narrow path leading to life" (Matt 7.14)
Will act. This expression undoubtedly refers to those who, under the rule of Rome, resisted the invasion of papacy and maintained pure faith, such as Albigoians, Waldensians and others.
The true church is characterized not only by the fact that it, as the people of God resists sin and temptations, but also by its decisive actions in the implementation and promotion of the program of God. Christianity can not be passive. Every child of God is responsible for doing certain work entrusted to him personally.
• And sensible of the people teaching many, though there will be some time to suffer from the sword and Fire, from captivity and robbery;
Enlighten many. The Errand of Christ "go and preach to all nations" (Matt 28.19) remains thus in force and in times of persecution as well as in days of the world and often is more effective, than in other, more favorable time.
Suffer. On other translations "will fall from a sword". During the centennial of fierce persecution, the true children of God were dispassionately defending their beliefs.
Some time. On other translations "many days". This period of time refers to 1260 days (Dan 7.25, 12.7) i.e. by the time when the retreat reached the highest limit of blasphemy and haunted those who did not agree with it.
• And during his suffering will have some help, and many shall join them, but feigned.
Some help. Although God does not always consider it necessary to save his children from death in his wisdom, every martyr for the name of God had the opportunity to make sure and know that his life was "concealed with Christ in God" (Col 3.8)
Throughout all the bitter and dreadful days of retreat and persecution described in Dan 11.33, God has repeatedly sent his people "some help" in the person of the leaders of the people, who boldly raised their voices in the dark and encouraged people to return to the principles of the Holy Scriptures. For example, Valdenskie missionaries of the 12th century, John Wycliffe in England in the 14th century, Jan Hus and Jerome in Prague in the XV century. In the XVI century, there was a coup in the political, economic social and religious Life of Europe, instrumental Protestant Reformation. He opened the way for many, by which they added their voice to the voice of the faithful children of God, Communist for centuries of terrible persecution and persecution.
• Suffer some and out of reasonable for the test of them, purification and for whiting to the last time; For there is still time to the term.
Cleansing. At times, God allows his children to endure suffering and even death, and does so in order to make their character purified and fit for the palate. Even Christ Himself "suffering the skill of obedience" Hebrews 5.8. (cf. Rev 6.11)
To the last time. This expression occurs in 8.17, 11.40, 12.4,9. In context 11 of chapter 35 of the verse, this term "by the last time" is most relevant to 1260 days, indicating the end of this period. If this place scriptures compare with the places of the spirit of prophecy, for example, in the desire of centuries p. 234, authorisation. Vol. 5 pp. 9-10, Great Wrestling, p. 356, it becomes obvious that 18798 is the beginning of "The last time".
For there is still time to the term. by Jewish "definite" or "appointed time". For example, a similar expression is used in relation to the meeting of Israel with God (Ex 23.15 Lev 23.2) as well as for the meeting place (Ps 74.8). In Dan 11.35 in this case the idea of time is pursued. "Time to term" is God's time in his programme of Action.
• and the King shall act in his arbitrariness, and shall be raised and magnified above all deity, and the god of the gods will speak blasphemy, and shall have success, till the wrath shall be made: for that which is predestined, it will be fulfilled.
King. Among the Adventist commentators, there are two points of view about 36-39 verses. Some understand the French Revolution of 1789 years, and the ensuing events. Others are of the view that the force described here is the same force, the sole force of persecution depicted in the previous verses.
Those who see the "tsar" period of the French Revolution underline the idea that it should be a new force, indicating the suddenness of its appearance, immediately after the mention of "last time" and, in all likelihood, this force carries the task of another Scale, more than we saw in the previous verses. Her form of struggle will be atheistic. History shows that the guiding philosophy of the French Revolution was not only anti-religious, but also atheistic, and had an impact on the course of history in the nineteenth and even twentieth century. Moreover, this revolution and its consequences mark the end of the 1260-year-old prophetic period.
Those who hold the view that the "king" is the power shown in the previous verses are based on the fact that the word "King" stands with a certain article, it means that it was already before – in the previous verses. Hence, there is a link to the previous texts. They prove that the reference to "late-time" in the 35 verse may speak at all about the future, and it is not necessary to indicate that 36-39 verses are applicable to events that began after the year 1798. They understand the 36-39 verses not as a form of atheism. But in general an attempt to oust all religious forms of service. Referring in parallel with the 2, 7 and 8 chapter. And in conclusion, they consider the 11th chapter culmination chapter of the work of the force of retreat, displayed in other prophetic chapters of the Book of the prophet Daniel.
Subira. According to the first point of view, i.e. that this is a question of France, this expression speaks about the successful work of atheism carried out by some leaders of the revolution. As, for example, on November 26, 1798, the new government of Paris has made an official decision to destroy any religion in the capital of France. Although these actions were terminated in a few days after the decision of the National Assembly, it is still a matter of the influence that atheism achieved at that time.
According to the second point of view, this text is considered parallel to Dan. 8:11, 25; 2fes. 2:4; Rev. 13:2.6; 18:7. Supporters of this point of view see the fulfillment of this text in the papal statement, about its viceroying instead of Christ on the Earth, about the pretentious statement to open and close in front of people the sky.
Will blasphemy says. If to bear in mind France, it is a question of arrogance of participants of a coup, chipped any religion and parent worship the goddess of reason. Later, when the worship of the Supreme Being was again introduced, the Reshareholders decided the following – that it was not the god of the Christian religion. For the execution of these words in the work papacy see. 7.11,25 + 2 Thess. 2.4, Rev 13.5-6.
• And he will not think of the gods of his fathers, and neither the desires of the wives nor even the deity respects; For they exalt themselves above all.
Desire of wives. If one understands France in the above-mentioned force, the French revolutionaries have declared marriage as a civil act, which can be easily dissolved.
Proceeding from the other point of view, i.e. seeing in this force papacy, it is a question of that value which papacy paid to celibacy and a virgin way of life.
Not even a deity respects. According to the first provision, it is a question of atheistic propaganda in the days of the revolution in France, which seeks to destroy any religion in the country. (see 36 verse). According to the second allegation, it is an atheistic force, but an extraordinary force for spiritual strength, but it actually deprives God of his honor and glory. In the most sacrilegious way this force aspires to take the place of God. (See 2fes. 2:4)
• But the Lord of the fortresses in his place he shall salute, and this God whom his fathers did not know, he shall be celebrate gold and silver, and precious stones, and different jewels,
At the place of it. That is instead of the true God.
God of fortresses. Some believe that this is the worship of the goddess of Reason, founded in Paris in the year 1793. The leaders of the revolution understood the need for the strength and authority of France to further spread the revolution in other European countries and, realizing this, they could not help but recognize that it needed at least some kind of religion. Therefore they had to establish a new religion, in the personification of reason, as an object of religious worship. Later it has resulted in a cult of service "to the higher essence" - deifing nature which was considered as "the God of fortresses".
Based on the other point of view described above, these expressions refer to prayers directed to the Saints and the Virgin Mary. And one more opinion: the Union of Rome with secular power and its persistent attempts to subordinate the will of peoples to their desire and purpose.
will be celebrate gold and jewels. These words found their fulfillment in the greatest gifts that showered images of the Virgin Mary and other saints. (See Rev 17.4; 18.16)
• And will arrange a firm fortress with the Stranger God: which recognize him, that would increase honors and give power over many, and the earth will give out in a reward.
and a solid fortress. This expression remains unclarified due to different translations and grammatical deviations. Some see in this expression a reference to the strategic position occupied by atheists and rationalists during the French Revolution. Others understand that the help and support of the Roman Church in serving the Saints, arranged in various places around the world and in honor of Mass and the Virgin Mary.
And the earth gives out. Some see in this literal distribution of the local lands, nagging at the French nobility, and sale of these lands to small businessmen. It was found that during the Revolution, the provisional government confiscated up to two thirds of the land of all France.
Others are convinced that these words have been expressed in the time of papal domination and its power over the Kings. It is believed that the division of the New World between Spain and Portugal Pope Alexander VI, in 1493 year is one of the vivid examples of the execution of this place from the scriptures.
• At the end of the time fight with him the king of the South, and the king of Northern rushes as a storm on him with chariots, riders and numerous ships, and will attack the area, inundate them, and pass through them.
At the end of the same time. For the first time after 14 and 15 verses we are talking about the southern and northern Kings. Commentators SDA the pertinent 36-39 verses to France, see in the northern king of Turkey, ingame in 40-45 verses. The relevant 36-39 verses to papacy consider it culmination a prophetic picture of the activities of papacy. and one more opinion. Some suggest that the 40-45 verses were fulfilled in the fall of the Turkish Empire in 1922. (see 45 verse.)
• And he will enter into the most beautiful of the land, and many regions will suffer and saved from his hand only Edom, Moab and most of the sons of Ammon.
• And stretcheth his hand on different countries; The land of Egypt will not be saved.
• And he possesses treasures of gold and silver and various jewels of Egypt; Libyans and Ethiopians will follow him.
• But rumors from the east and North will alarmed him, and he will come out in the greatest rage to destroy and ruin many,
• And he would displace the king's tents between the sea and the mountain of the Glorious sanctuary; But will come to its end, and no one can help him.
But it will come to its end. It is possible to compare this prophecy with parallel to it in 2 chapter (34, 35, 44, 45 verses), in 7 chapter (26 verse) 8 and 9 of chapter (8.19,25; 9.27) as well as other places of scripture – Is 14.6; 47.11-15; Jer 50.32 ; 1 Cor 5.3; Rev 18.6-8; 19.21.
However, most Adventist believe that the execution of the 45 verse belongs to the future. The wise words spoken by the pioneer of the Adventist movement by James White in the year 1877 regarding the cautious approach to explaining the not-executed prophecies are also a useful advice for us today.
In explaining the not-executed prophecies, which are not marked by history, let the one who examines them do not make their assumptions in a certain and precise form so as not to embarrass themselves.