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Поделиться22015-02-27 09:08:24
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Today we offer a test forum on the topics of:
* Issue guidelines and basic principles of our lives
* Is there a creator and what it
* God and his word-the Bible, its validity and reliability
* What awaits us in the future
* Who is Jesus Christ and come to him
* The ten commandments as a measure of good and evil
* The concept of death, resurrection and eternal life
* Excuse and forgiveness
* The meaning of life and the new world
* God expects and accepts all
Поделиться32015-02-27 09:10:27
Currently, Darwinism "was unexpectedly large difficult" (Francis Hitching, The neck of the giraffe ", 1982, p. 12).
More and more scientists consider Darwin's theory is not scientific. Many of the critics have degrees, many evolutionists (Michael Riuz "Darwin Theory: an exercise in science"; New Scientist, June 25, 1981, p. 828).
Scientists have no proof that life is not the result of an act of creation (Robert Jastrow, The Enchanted By: mind of the universe ", 1981, p. 19).
In the beginning created the heavens and the Earth», i.e. the solar system bodies (other worlds have already been). Is the Sun, the Earth, the other planets, the Moon and the satellites of the planets and other bodies ( Gen 1.1 ). The land was in chaos and darkness, the lights were not visible with it ( v.2 ).
1st day - "Let there be light" ( v.3 ). The light of the Sun is visible on Earth and founded the alternation of night and day, but the sun itself was not visible.
2nd day - "Let there be a firmament", i.e., space ( v.6-8 ) - Department of water at the bottom of the water at the top, the clouds.
Day 3 - creation of land ( v.9-10 ). Perhaps this displaced over of land. The Continents have roots "(Edwin e. Larson and Peter w. Birkelann, Putnam's Geology, 1982, p. 6). The establishment of plants ( v.11 ). When this light is increased, and photosynthesis begins. Creating Paradise (Genesis 2.8-9).
Day 4 -the emergence of stars, probably as a result of the scattering of cloud layers ( v.14-16 ). They are visible from Earth. Light, plants began to actively absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Day 5 - creation of the animals in the water and in the air ( v.20-21 ).
Day 6 -
1. The creation of terrestrial animals ( v.24 )
2. creation of man ( Genesis 2.7 )
3. God brings all the animals to humans ( v.19-20 )
4. creation of woman ( Ge. 2.21-22 )
7th day - Saturday - God rested from his work ( Gen 2.1-3 ).
Creative every day of the week is 12:0 am, not millions of years. Read Exodus 20.9-11 and try instead of the word "day", insert the "thousand years" or "milliard years" that you have, "six billion years work ..." etc.
The story of the creation of the world has nothing to do with the Babylonian myth about the God Marduk, who defeated the monster Tiamat, and cleaved it in half and one half created the sky, but from another Earth.
Wallace Pratt said: "if I as a geologist was asked to explain the modern view of the origin of the Earth temporarily and the development of life on it paste-ham, perhaps it would be most prudent to closely follow the text of the first chapter of Genesis (U.l. Copithorne, The Worlds of Wallace Pratt," The Lamp, 1971, p. 14)
So, the order of creation:
1. The beginning
2. Land in chaos
3. The light
4. Space or atmosphere
5. The continents
6. Terrestrial plants
7. Lights, visible in space
8. Fish and poultry
9. Animals
10. Man
Could Moses "guess" this order? NO!
The probability of this 1: 3628800 (1:10!)
Teachings about the origin of life are changing all the time.
The new version of the theory of spontaneous generation:
The Earth has an atmosphere, composed of carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and water. Then these compounds into amino acids, and proteins, which were a primary broth. " Then randomly a molecule-method to replicate themselves. It ‘surrounded’ other molecules, which served as a membrane, i.e. the first cage "made itself". The author writes: "this book should be read almost as if it were scientific and is fantastic novel" (Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, 1976, p. 9).
In 1953, Stanley Miller criticized the "atmosphere" of H2, CH4, NH3 and H2O (steam) Electric level. It appeared only 4 of 20 amino acids.
Protein synthesis occurs only without free oxygen in the atmosphere. But without it, the first amino acid would be destroyed by the cosmic rays. It was CREATED (Hitching, The neck of the giraffe ", 1982, p. 68).
Water prevents the growth of more complex molecules (ibid.). Therefore, a primary broth "could not be formed.
Formation of proteins depends on DNA, but DNA cannot be formed without the existing protein (ibid.). The probability of self-appear of a living cell
1: 1040000.
Despite the fact that the genetic code is nearly universal, the mechanism required by his incarnation, is too complex to appear himself at one point (Francis Crick, Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature, 1981, p. 71). However, if it evolved and developed irregular (not appeared very suddenly), he was CREATED.
Thanks to photosynthesis in the atmosphere enough oxygen and an ozone layer. This might not be a simple coincidence.
"Science, after she objected to the theologian, in that it relies on myths and miracles, found himself in the unenviable position of MAKING YOUR OWN MYTHOLOGY".
Lauren Ajseli, "The Immense Journey", 1957, p. 200
1. The appearance of cells from non-living molecules.
"First steps are not known, they are not left" (The World We Live In, Red Giants and White Dwarts).
2. The emergence of multicellular.
"Not the slightest trace of preliminary stages" (Science, Red Giants and White Dwarts).
3. About the plants.
"There is no evidence the ancestors" (The Natural History of Palms).
4. About insects.
"There is no information about the origin of insects" (Encyclopedia Britanica, "Insects").
5. On vertebrate animals.
"The fossils, however, did not give any information about the origin of the vertebrates (Enciclopedia Britanica).
6. About fish.
"Fish appeared suddenly (Marvels & Mysteries of Our Animal World).
7. On the development of fish in amphibians.
"We will probably never know how and why they did it," [complex spine, pelvis, legs, muscles and nerves, three-cameras heart, tongue, the ability to live on land] (The Fishes).
8. The development of amphibians to reptiles.
"Quite enough shows the evolution of reptiles in their early
When developing an egg covered with shells with complex structure compared with caviar" (The Reptriles).
9. On the development of the reptiles to mammals.
"Link. There is no "(The Reptiles, The Mammals).
10. On the evolution of reptiles into birds.
"Documented even worse» [feather, compound eye] (Processes of Organic Evolution, The World Book Encyclopedia).
11. About monkeys.
"Having apparently from nowhere" (The Primates, Science Digest).
12. From monkey to man.
"The human race is not a pedigree line (Science Digest, The New Evolutionary Timetable).
Поделиться42015-02-27 09:12:28
Restore evolution are a number of human bones-still, that restore the novel "war and peace" on 13 pages (Konstantin Holden, "The Politics of Paleontology, Science, August 14, 1981, p. 737).
We have no evidence that when homo; in the amount or structure of the brain evolved biological changes (Lyle Watson, "The Water People", Science Digest, May 1982, p. 44). THE HUMAN BRAIN IS FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE BRAIN OF ALL OTHER CREATURES.
- Brain, capable of abstract and free-thinking, and large memory capable
accommodate 20 million volumes
- Ability to learn
- The ability to master languages (in the form of communication-programmed)
The nearest ancestor "of human - Neanderthal - was just sick, de formed an instance that does not stand below us (Fred Hoyle," Ice ", 1981, p. 35).
Cromagnon - the next step is generally indistinguishable from modern human - (Donald H. Loganson and Maitland a. Edie, "Lucy: The beginnings articles of Humankind", p. 29).
Those and other scientists were forced to recognize people.
From the dictionary:
HUMAN EVOLUTION - teaching about human origins, many aspects of which are still unclear.
Radiometric in no case can this form be used for determining the age of the Earth and people.
Dating techniques based on radioactive decay, can be wrong, not only for a few years, but on the WHOLE ORDER (Robert Gannon, "How Old Is It?", Popular Science, November 1979, p. 81).
At a Conference in Uppsala (Sweden) said that in the past, the decay rate is not constant, and dating before 2000 years B.C. untrustworthy (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Radiocarbon Dating is Wrong, January 18, 1976, p. 8).
The oldest written human reported only about 5000 years (ancient times).
Some believe that evolution occurs through mutation.
But mutations are different: one correct thousands of infidels.
Mutations occur with all creatures, like flies, but they continue to fly. Nobody has ever seen the reverse happened.
Serious mutations are harmful and even lead to the death of the animal.
"Artificial selection seems rather belies than endorsed evolution" ("On Call," July 3, 1972, pp. 8-9).
From the book by Julian Huxley's evolution in action»
The 1000 mutations have one useful (with drozofilas). 1-1 mutation breed. To get the 2 useful mutations we need to dilute 10002 rocks 3 useful mutations - 10003 breeds n useful mutations - 1000n breeds (because the next mutation we should only receive in the breed where all previous mutations had been useful).
In order to have a more highly developed organism, such useful mutations to one million, and the number of species -10001.000.000 - number with three zeroes in the millions. It is incomparably more than elementary particles in Metagalaxy.
Thus, evolution is totally rejected, and creationism is confirmed. This is the second law of thermodynamics.
Summarize the previous chapters in comparison.
Evolution Creation Facts
Life evolved from inanimate Life created 1. Life happens
matter by self-birth the Creator of only substance-
adverse life
2. Genetic code
could not be
The gradual transition from The sudden emergence of Every new kind is
one form to another in an office diversity, no
binding links
Development by mutations Mutations not actuators Smaller mutations
and harmful leads to transition,
large harmful lethal, never
do not give anything new
The origin of man from the People created and always Civilization and talking
monkey millions year ago was able to talk is appear together.
and his speaking origin from The ancientest inscriptions
shouts of animal are just 5000 years old
Поделиться52015-02-27 09:15:42
Many of the heavenly bodies and their movement reveals the creator.
Location of galaxies in the universe is not chaotic, but like the cells of the comb, says astronomer Vorontsov-Velyaminov.
Atoms are stellar systems. "We were surprised to feel how”
(Louis Thomas, "a View From The Eye Of The Gorter," Discover, April 1981, p. 69).
"The power has all of these items and keeps them there" (Readers Digest, July 1962, p. 38).
"All laws require Lawmakers, considered by many scholars, including Wernher von Braun (the National Enquirer, February 10, 1976).
The formula E = mc2 shows that creation occurred through energy transformation (E) and matter (m).
The big bang theory - complete gibberish. Such things as blast bombs, could not build, but only destroy!
Our Earth is at an ideal distance from the Sun (on average, 149.6 million km). If it were not so, the temperature on earth would be too high or too low.
It revolves around its axis at a constant speed ( 1 times in 24 hours ), else to everything living on it died. Earth's axis is tilted ( after the deluge - Genesis 8.22 ) to 23.50. If the angle was more would be very cold winters and very heat summers.
The atmosphere is 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. If there was more oxygen, more items are inflammable. Lightning form compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, which fall to Earth with rain and fertilise it. Carbon dioxide
( less than 1% ) is necessary for plant life. The ozone layer filters out harmful radiation. The atmosphere protects the Earth from meteorites and creates changeable appearance of the sky. This might not be a coincidence.
Water-the source of life, is three modular conditions and commits a turnover. Water never frozen to the bottom.
You cannot otherwise explain the phenomenon of fertility (water and nutrients from the soil), the presence of the chemical elements and microorganisms as creationism.
For living beings and plants are characterized by:
- complex molecules
- many types
- Commonwealth (animals + the hermit)
- "nature" (factory production of chlorophyll, capillary rise of water in the 50-100 m up speeds of up to 60 m/h)
- an amazing structure of seeds and their distribution in many ways
- the birds singing and much more
Surprising behavior of birds and animals showed that administered Divine mind. The survey did not find: work of beavers, flights of birds for thousands of miles, the inventive work of bees and ants etc.
The science of BIONICS confirms the greatness and wisdom of the creator:
Air conditioning - ventilation of the dwellings of termites
Aircraft - wings of birds
Antifreeze – matter (Glycerin) in trees
Scuba tanks - water beetles
Clock - many animals with an orientation to the Sun, tides, stars
Compasses - chains of particles in bacteria, butterflies, birds, dolphins
Desalination - seabirds, penguins
Electricity - electric rays and electric anguillas ( electric pressure 60-886 VOLT )
Agriculture - acromyrmex engaged in gardening
Incubators - delaying in the sand the eggs of birds and turtles
Jet motion - Octopus and squid
Lighting - fireflies
Paper - wasps and hornets nest
Rotary engine - bacteria through frill "corkscrew", which move at the speed of 50 km/h
Echolocation - the bats
Submarines - nautiluses
Thermometers - tendrils mosquito catching changes to 1/1500С
«Ask the animals, and will teach you, the birds of heaven, and usher you; or speak with the Earth and guide you, and tell you the fish Ocean " ( job 12.7-8 ) .
Features unique to humans, in animals.
INSTINCT is what drives the surprising behavior of animals:
- flights of birds, with "map" in your head
- build nests of different species
- the harmonious work of termites
- the language of bees
- the use of "Diving Bell" spider etc.
Animal behavior is always the same.
They are not free to think and to creativity.
However, their complex behavior could lay in them only the creator.
Believe in evolution because:
1. Evolution is not served at once as a theory, but it gradually "drive in" in the head
child through images, etc. so we should watch closely to teach our children.
2. Scientists claim that "only the ignorant do not believe in evolution."
3. Many religions have become insolvent because of heresies and debauchery among the clergy, as well as persecution for beliefs.
4. Many believe in evolution, because such a majority.
"Do not follow the majority. retreating on most of the truth " ( Ex 23.2 ).
"Apply to the law and to the testimony" ( Is 8.20 ) .
Поделиться62015-02-27 09:17:21
There are 23 models of the origin of the universe, but none completely its not explain-significantly, from where and how it arose.
The most popular model - the big bang theory. According to her, the whole substance was first compressed into a single point, and then exploded and began to grow and form a different body. But if this is true, it is unclear from where come from space, as the Galaxy and all the periodic table?
And what energy this explosion occurred?
"The blast occurred as the claim about 20 billion years ago. But how is this calculated?
It turns out the age of the universe is much smaller. This, as will be discussed below, show the cosmic body.
If indeed the dot exploded, then where did the laws of physics? And besides, matter and energy cannot arise and disappear by themselves-so taught the laws of thermodynamics. Only creationism explains and matter and energy, and laws.
Thus, the observation of cosmic bodies tells us the following:
1. Galaxy mainly take the form of spirals, the angular velocity of rotation of the stars in which the more than closer to her Center. This is why these are spiral curled ends. If the Galaxy would have been for billions of years, they have these swirled all there would be.
2. red stars eventually become white dwarfs. This sufficiently only about 2000 years. Example - star SIRIUS: astronomers of antiquity describe it as red, and now it is white. 100 thousand years have passed, how would it cures that so much time has to pass, and many times less.
3. the rings of Saturn are unstable and disappear, only a few thousand years, not millions.
4. one of the satellites of Jupiter. And if it were millions of years old, it would be cool and would not have a magnetic field, which is molten substance.
5. the Sun burn, and therefore its diameter decreases by 1.5 m per hour, this is the value of very small, because its dimensions are enormous. This value is constant. If the solar system for millions of years, what it used to be? Great, very close to the ground! And in such temperatures the life on the Earth is non-then the Earth only about 6000 years.
6. the Moon is drifting away from the Earth (4 cm per year, and this is also a constant). So, if her age is, as they say, it was from the Earth would initially almost to zero. And that means disastrous ebb and flow throughout the land, on which all the living could drown. In addition, flight to the Moon revealed that the surface layer of dust on it only 1 cm, if the Moon was over, there would be 6 cm per 1 million years or 345 m for 4.5 billion years.
7. leave the comet tails and lose weight. They would have no more than 10 thousand years old, and they all fly. How can this be if millions of years?
So, the age of the universe and the solar system rather than according to the Scriptural theory, which is only a theory, and not the truth.
Поделиться72015-02-27 09:23:01
Evolutionism is not only in space but also on Earth. Here are some examples:
Glaciers are much younger than teach. This can be seen by the speed of their education
(1 2/3 m a year). The so-called "annual rings"-not "summer/winter",
and temperature "heat-cold, which happens many times a day. This under-identify during the second world war, when planted in Greenland there were planes for several years under a huge layer of ice.
Salt in the oceans is the result of rainfall. Now there are 4% salt, nothing more, it accumulates about 5 thousand years.
Who invented the Earth millions of years?
First, that her age is several thousand years old, as the Bible teaches, and millions, said James Hutton in his book "the theory of the Earth" (1795).
This idea developed by Charles Lajel in the book "principles of Geology (1830). He devised geo-chronological eras consisting of periods, and their age. And testimonies, that is, nonetheless, not.
Lajela’s column was never verified. This is just a follower of the clams, as he and his comrades have positioned them. Then and now is a circular reasoning: the age of the fossil is dated for the strata of the Earth, and the layers of date fossil. The era and perids of Lajel, as well as their duration, and the corresponding layers are found in only one place on Earth, namely in the tutorial.
Layers, of course, but they are formed at the same time-while world flood. This is all new and new evidence. Where did they come from? Here's one example: If in a barrel with dirt add water and stir, then also appear again by layers.
Age of rocks sometimes calculated using the radiometric method, for example, c-14 (for relatively young ones), but it is based on three false talking points:
1. initially, the substance was not a carbon isotope, C14
2. the collapse of 14 C occurred at constant speed
3. no external influence
The data points are refuted by experiments. So, these calculations do not trust hypothesis hides.
Поделиться82015-02-27 09:24:12
It is believed that after the creation of the world for different reasons and the plants and animals, and people were larger. This is confirmed by found bones of enormous size. The finds are carefully hidden, because they want people to know just what they are taught.
The explanation is linked to the fact that the Earth was a higher oxygen content and atmospheric pressure. Experiments confirm that in such conditions the plants, for example, it is better to grow and produce a bountiful harvest.
The high percentage of oxygen can lead to the fact that it nourishes not only blood and blood plasma. In such circumstances, a person could, for example, run a tirelessly 100 kilometers.
According to the latest figures, dinosaurs and pangolins (their appearance is an open question) lived for millions of years before man, and along with it. Found them very realistic pictures and sculptures.
Traces of the people and the animals in the same layer are one time, such as found in the United States and elsewhere.
Поделиться92015-02-27 09:26:22
One of the theories for the origin of life on Earth is the "primordial soup" theory of the Russian biologist Oparin. It also assumes that wildlife has emerged from the so-called koacervats - some intermediate stage between inanimate matter and living cells.
In continuation of this teaching was made famous by Stanley Miller's experience to obtain the protein in the laboratory.
Its essence: a more complex substance formed from the most simple: NH3 (ammiac), CH4 (methane) and H2O (water vapor) under the influence of high temperatures and electric shocks. It was alleged that a living cell.
However, there are a number of objections:
1. not those source materials
Connection of these substances could not be sustained.
The original substances. As is well known, ammonia breaks down under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and the consequence of methane, which was supposed to glinozem, actually there.
2. not those conditions
Such connections atmospheric oxygen destroys and, according to Miller, at the time of its synthesis in the atmosphere were not. It is not true, therefore, that a considerable depth found oxide stones, Earth's atmosphere was rich in oxygen.
Electrical discharges, used the experience in reality had to be not only just, but more and more connections and thus destroy built them.
3. not the result
Miller received only a few amino acids, and as left-writhed, which are proteins, and right-writhled - it one is enough to break the connection. In other words, was not living matter and poisonous mixture.
And last objection: while the experience made Miller's mind, which in many ways is not allowed the destruction of the he molecules. Evolution same teaches that everything arose by itself as a result of a confluence of circumstances.
The theory was also launched panspermia living cell is brought to Earth from another world, where all the conditions as in Miller's experience (no oxygen, many meta-and ammonia and high level radiation).
But it runs counter to the theory of probability.
And besides, if so, in what way is the cage was "listed" here?
Поделиться102015-02-27 09:29:25
Darwin teaches that all life on Earth arose by chance. His theory was the popular not as a scientific work, but as an ideology (what God does).
He taught that all living things-from the same ancestor. However, prove it and couldn't.
The cell or organism of about 0.01 mm it is very difficult to compartmentalize.
To say that this is a coincidence, both argue that the plane, a Boeing 747 can arise from the Vortex or the hurricane.
No fossils of transitional links not found: from unicellular to multicellular, from fish to frogs etc Archaeopteryx and the Coelacanth is an extinct species of animals, and no intermediaries.
Mutation never form a new form (e.g., eye of the animal without eyes), and lead only to illness, degeneration and death.
One more example:
Fish celikant, which was considered the "fossil", was found alive on the big depth from which it never rises to the surface. Hence this brush-feather fish no "intermediate" link. Primitive feet and half-light was believed to have celikant finds, no; This fact became the real shock for all evolutionists.
Поделиться112015-02-27 09:30:57
The evolutionary theory of human origins is not tenable.
So, the Australopithecus (skeleton which was found in 1924 by Darth) its skele has, as it turned out, was no different from chimpanzees. This extinct roses monkey. He walked on two legs, that proved the famous paleonotologs Sokerman and Oxford.
Mythical classes "Homo arektus", "Homo èrgaster" and "Homo sapiens" are the various tribes of people. The difference with modern man absenced, the other is that the shape of the skull and its changes, and that today there are different races.
Pildaun’s pers: 35 years he was regarded as an intermediary between monkey and man. Turned out to be fake; the lower jaw of the monkey standing-Lena in the human skull (it did h. Darsen) learned the British Museum.
Pitekantrop - fiction. Actually on the island of Java were found the remains of a monkey, and a year later in a 13 ft human bones.
Neanderthal-rich man with a deformed back (perhaps he was suffering from arthritis).
Man from Nebraska: the found tooth was restored whole skeleton! And the tooth was then swine.
Here's how some were "discoveries" in the field of human origins.
Поделиться122015-02-27 09:36:22
The theory of the evolution of the universe on all items completely refuted by modern science. It is clear that instead of some "fairy tales" (as they say about creation) we just offer other so-called scientists.
For example, the transformation of one animal to another, and then in person, really similar to the well-known fairy tale about the Princess and the frog, which at night becomes a Princess. Very similar, only they are "happening" over millions of years.
Interesting fact: there is no intermediate links, and those that were supposedly-hoax, and textbooks are taught the same, though it is disproved in the mid-20th century. As a human being and soul, evolutionists explain can not.
The question: "why do you teach that not proven?" the scientists answer: "because we don't have another theory; that is, to teach! " That's why the drive in the head of our children that is horrible. And get rid of these chimeras later is very difficult.
Поделиться132015-02-27 09:38:07
An alternative to evolution.
This huge Egyptian pyramid with smooth surface. The experiment proved that build such behemoths — ancient primitive tools. These tools also allow you to perfectly grind stones, it is only modern tool.
The high level of development was characteristic of the ancient Mayan civilization.
In the ancient texts there are characters, similar to the aircraft, and not birds. These vehicles (as well as the large flying animals) could be used in the prehistoric world.
Found also built similar to the pyramid, under water. With regard to the land of the pyramids, you can assume that the ancient Egyptians just found them and used at your discretion.
Confirm that all nations have the same ancestor, and all languages too. The Bible says that Adam and Eve had many children who originally married each other. From the common ancestor of all took place according to geneticists.
The theory of creation to the theory of spontaneous generation.
The biblical picture of the world (round the Earth, a sign or something).
This is a much more realistic evolution over millions of years, living from non-living things, or the results of the "experience" of aliens-aliens.